How do I get etherape to work in OS X 10.6.6?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Mon Mar 7 01:29:23 PST 2011

On Mar 7, 2011, at 02:00, Zack Perry wrote:

> I made a small progress.  I decided to download the latest stable etherape-0.9.10 source and build it myself, using libraries that were built when I was trying out the macports version.
> Once I sudo myself into root, I performed the following.  Now I can see IP addresses, but still not node cicles and traffic graphs.  
> I am contemplating to rebuild all libraries that etherape depends; using all latest stable to see if it make any difference, but I know given my current work load, such a time consuming task may have to wait.  So, I would appreciate any hints.

I have now updated etherape to 0.9.10 in MacPorts. If there are any other ports in MacPorts that are not at their latest stable versions, feel free to file port update tickets in the issue tracker to request that they be updated.

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