Xcode 4

Keith J. Schultz keithjschultz at web.de
Sat Mar 12 14:58:47 PST 2011

Am 12.03.2011 um 23:24 schrieb Ryan Schmidt:

> On Mar 12, 2011, at 00:56, Keith J. Schultz wrote:
> [snip, snip]
>> 	Over here in Germany Xcode 4 only cost as much as a pack of
>> 	cigarettes!
> I think the primary objection, from the people objecting, is not the price, but that there is one. They're upset that they're being made to pay a nonzero amount of money in order to use (compile, build) free (open-source) software on their Mac.
	Well they could bootstrap a compiler! No?
	I have been around Apple for a long time. MPW was not for free!

	Maybe, like I said Lion will have Xcode bundled in or they might sell Lion with out, because most
	do not need it. As a developer you can download Lion beta for free, yet you can buy it in the Mac
	APP Store! So it just be a pre-release thingy, or Apple is just testing what the reactions might be.
	Only time will tell!??


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