Xcode 4
Erwan David
erwan at rail.eu.org
Sun Mar 13 09:04:41 PDT 2011
Le Sat 12/03/2011, Keith J. Schultz disait
> Am 12.03.2011 um 23:24 schrieb Ryan Schmidt:
> > On Mar 12, 2011, at 00:56, Keith J. Schultz wrote:
> > [snip, snip]
> >> Over here in Germany Xcode 4 only cost as much as a pack of
> >> cigarettes!
> >
> > I think the primary objection, from the people objecting, is not the price, but that there is one. They're upset that they're being made to pay a nonzero amount of money in order to use (compile, build) free (open-source) software on their Mac.
> Well they could bootstrap a compiler! No?
> I have been around Apple for a long time. MPW was not for free!
> Maybe, like I said Lion will have Xcode bundled in or they might sell Lion with out, because most
> do not need it. As a developer you can download Lion beta for free, yet you can buy it in the Mac
> APP Store! So it just be a pre-release thingy, or Apple is just testing what the reactions might be.
> Only time will tell!??
> regards
> Keith.
I think it is more a problem of control. Apple wants a total control on what runs on the computers it sells. The App store model is the key to this control, if people are obliged to use it. The itunes account licence is not innocuous and gives Apple many rights. The confidentiality policy does not garantee anything for the seller, only the right for Apple to dissemintates the informtation that Apple defines as non personnal.
Enforcing the Appstore model makes people prisonner of a company which should stay a mere furnisher.
I personnaly never will sign up a itunes account with the current licence, same I always refuse the itunes licence. WOuld Apple continue it's today trend, my next configuration would be another OS on the Apple branded hardware I own.
Would macports mandate the use of an appstore XCode, would just accelerated the move.
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