problem installing iAIDA

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Fri May 20 12:13:19 PDT 2011

On May 20, 2011, at 14:02, Alejandro Carabe-Fernandez wrote:

> I get the following message when I try to install iAIDA:
> dhcp-132-183-2-119:~ alex$ sudo port install iAIDA --with-root ~/Users/alex/Applications/root -d
> Password:
> Can't map the URL 'file://.' to a port description file ("Could not find Portfile in /Users/alex").
> Please verify that the directory and portfile syntax are correct.
> Error: A default port name could not be supplied.
> Error: Port iAIDA not found
> Before reporting a bug, first run the command again with the -d flag to get complete output.
> dhcp-132-183-2-119:~ alex$ 
> could you help?

MacPorts does not support any "--with-root" option, and the "-d" option, if you want to use it, must go immediately after the word "port".

sudo port -d install iAIDA

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