MacPorts design (curiosity)

Richard L. Hamilton rlhamil at
Wed Oct 5 11:17:00 PDT 2011

AFAIK it originated in FreeBSD, and NetBSD also adopted something similar.  But I think what's on the Mac is probably a bit different than either of those, in terms of the commands and so on.  (I've never used the equivalent on neither of those BSDs)

Some optional software for the Unix environment on Windows (SFU/SUA) is also packaged in a somewhat similar manner (more like NetBSD does it, I think).

Although a lot of package systems bear some similarities, I'm not aware of a Linux distro that's using the ports system like either FreeBSD/NetBSD or the Mac does, although I don't exactly go around comparing distros, so I might have missed it.  But ports on FreeBSD originated somewhere around 1993 or 1994, which makes it older than most Linux distros except maybe Slackware.

On Oct 5, 2011, at 1:26 PM, Jason Swails wrote:

> Hey,
> What was the inspiration behind the MacPorts design?  Were ideas borrowed from a specific Linux package manager (the portage system seems pretty similar).  I like MacPorts as my Mac package manager, and would love to check out a Linux distro's package manager that inspired it (if such a one exists).
> Just curious.
> Thanks!
> Jason
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The waitress asked, "Do you want lemon or no lemon with that iced tea?"
Naturally, I said "yes", and then burst out laughing, because there simply
wasn't any other answer in Boolean logic.  She didn't get it, but I got
the lemon, which I wanted anyway.  Later, I realized a quantum computer
could have offered another answer: Schroedinger's Lemon!

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