MacPorts design (curiosity)

Andrew Todd andrew.todd659 at
Wed Oct 5 14:20:37 PDT 2011

On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 2:17 PM, Richard L. Hamilton <rlhamil at> wrote:
> Although a lot of package systems bear some similarities, I'm not aware of a
> Linux distro that's using the ports system like either FreeBSD/NetBSD or the
> Mac does, although I don't exactly go around comparing distros, so I might
> have missed it.  But ports on FreeBSD originated somewhere around 1993 or
> 1994, which makes it older than most Linux distros except maybe Slackware.

I guess that Gentoo's Portage system would be an example of a system
that borrows from BSD ports, but that's another path to walk down.

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