Universal and upgrades

Scott Webster sewebster at gmail.com
Wed Oct 12 11:42:34 PDT 2011

wine-devel is 32 bit only.

Are you sure the problem wasn't that one of the dependencies was only
built as 64-bit, and therefore unsuitable for use with wine-devel?


On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 11:39 AM, Adam Dershowitz <dersh at alum.mit.edu> wrote:
> I was trying to upgrade wine-devel.  It seems that it now requires universal builds.  That triggered a number of other ports to rebuild, since I had them as 32 bit only.  No problem with that.  The problem was that a number of these dependencies gave errors on rebuilding.  By looking at the logs I figured out that the problem was that some of them were only built 32 bit, and need to be manually updated to universal.
> So, this message has several points.
> 1)  Just a question about why these other libraries didn't get triggered to rebuild, instead they just caused a build error?
> 2)  I also wanted to let people know about this problem, and specifically, for me, what I had to do in order to get it to build was:
> sudo port install jasper +universal
> sudo port install libidl +universal
> sudo port install libogg +universal
> sudo port install libvorbis +universal
> sudo port install libtheora +universal
> Then, the upgrade went fine (at least wine seems to be building fine now....big one...takes a while).
> --Adam
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