Postfix with SASL

Gregory Gulik greg at
Mon Oct 24 20:28:39 PDT 2011

I've been struggling to get postfix working with SASL (pam) 
authentication working on a new Lion mac mini.  Basically, I want it to 
authenticate against local users on the box.

I tried to get the system default postfix with SASL to work but I never 
managed to get PAM authentication working.

Then I tried the macports versions of postfix with cyrus-sasl2.  I got 
cyrus-sasl2 to work, I was able to successfully authenticate against 
local users using testsalauthd

But postfix is being very stubborn in a very basic way.  I'm getting 
permissions errors on the lock file and I can't figure out what the 
permissions should be:

Oct 24 22:27:14 macmini postfix/postfix-script[27499]: starting the 
Postfix mail system
Oct 24 22:27:14 macmini postfix/master[27500]: fatal: open lock file 
/opt/local/var/lib/postfix/master.lock: cannot open file: Permission denied

The current permissions are:

[root at macmini postfix]# ls -al
total 0
drwxr-x--x  2 _postfix  mail    68 Oct 21 12:23 .
drwxr-x---  4 root      admin  136 Oct 20 20:27 ..

I've tried a bunch with either that error or an error that the directory 
is group or world writable.

Greg Gulik                       
greg @

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