PostgreSQL 91 does not start automatically

Jeremy Lavergne jeremy at
Wed Apr 25 12:00:29 PDT 2012

> I am completely foxed by this... When I restart my computer, postgresql91-server and apache2 do not start up automatically. If I type
> 	$ sudo port load postgresql91-server
> I get the message that the "port is already loaded". Then I do the following and it starts up fine
> 	$ sudo port unload postgresql91-server
> 	$ sudo port load postgresql91-server
> I have the same issue with apache2 with a slight difference. It doesn’t start automatically on computer reboot, but starts fine when I type 
> 	$ sudo port load apache2
> This makes unattended reboot (for example, restart automatically after power failure) a deal-breaker.
> I see nothing of consequence in the logs anywhere.
> Suggestions?

Do the logs at least show the package daemons being read at boot?

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