why does mysql NOT come with mysql client?

Bradley Giesbrecht pixilla at macports.org
Mon Dec 3 15:57:38 PST 2012

On Dec 3, 2012, at 3:05 PM, Clemens Lang wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 03, 2012 at 05:42:03PM -0500, Brad Allison wrote:
>> How come I can install mysql5 and yet it doesn't come with a mysql
>> client?
> It does.
>> Brad-Allisons-Mac-Pro-2:~ ballison$ which mysql
>> Brad-Allisons-Mac-Pro-2:~ ballison$
> It's /opt/local/lib/mysql55/bin/mysql.

True, if you install mysql55. You are encouraged to use mysql55 or mariadb as the mysql5 port is old and on it's way to being replaced by mysql55.

If there are mysql5 dependent ports you require please post an email here or open a ticket and we will get the port updated to use mysql55 and or mariadb.

Bradley Giesbrecht (pixilla)

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