DL damaged. bad umask prevents scratch files working
Robert Broome
Robert.Broome at SoftHome.net
Thu Dec 27 06:19:24 PST 2012
Thanks again. Your patience and help has worked!
We figured the problem out. A short between the chair and the keyboard. :)
Among the other things I shouldn't have done to my login script, I changed the umask.
When I saw your comment, I realized what had happened.
Once that was set correctly and I deleted all the test executables created by root, the
compiler works correctly.
yes, /opt/loca/ was a typo. The setting is /opt/local/
Several different problems, but all had one thing in common. A user who knows just
enough to be dangerous. But that is how we learn. :)
As for the gfortran compiler, once I DLed it from Macports, it works pretty much as described.
If you would like a simple test case to try it out, I will be happy to provide one. But since the
problem has been located and solved, and had nothing to do with the compiler itself, perhaps
that is more than is needed now.
On Dec 26, 2012, at 11:06 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> On Dec 26, 2012, at 21:29, Robert Broome wrote:
>> Thanks for the help!
>> I really appreciate it. I don't know whether to reply directly to you or through the mailing list.
> We should keep the discussion on the list so that when I run out of ideas, which might already be happening now, someone else can perhaps take over, and so that any other users who might be having the same problem can find the solution in the mailing list archives. I'll add the mailing list address back to this reply.
>> I have checked out he ideas I have received and this is what I have learned.
>> the "DYLD_ environment variables being ignored" warning comes because I do have the following env var
>> set:
>> LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/loca/lib
>> There is no DYLD set anywhere. It is not one of my environment variables.
>> I got that off my linux box. There it is helpful. Here on Mountain Lion, not so much.
> Ok, yes, I'd recommend removing that; if "/opt/loca/lib" was a typo and it actually is set to "/opt/local/lib", then it is probably not helping you and may be causing some interference; if it's actually set to "/opt/loca/lib" then that would do nothing since that path presumably does not exist.
>> the $TMPDIR is set as described earlier, /var/folders/p8/randomstring/T, with permissions of drwx------ . It isn't set by me or by my environment. Apparently it is here whenever I boot my machine.
> Yes, it is a standard variable set for you by the OS (not sure what part: the shell maybe?). There's probably no reason to change it or unset it so just leave it be.
>> When I write a file into $TMPDIR, the files have permissions of -r--r-----.
> It might depend on how you create the file, and on your umask. Here's what I get:
> $ echo hello > $TMPDIR/test.txt
> $ ls -l $TMPDIR/test.txt
> -rw-r--r-- 1 rschmidt rschmidt 6 Dec 26 22:56 /var/folders/0_/y9x9nfkh9xj125006s6dfksh0000gp/T//test.txt
>> The only way I can compile is as root.
>> Do you have any idea how the temp files are created and how the permissions are set?
> I don't know how gfortran works internally, no.
> Can you provide a reproduction recipe I can use to test this problem with gfortran on my system? You previously said you ran:
> On Dec 25, 2012, at 21:59, Robert Broome wrote:
>> gfortran -o sorttest sorttest.f95
> But of course on my system I get:
> $ gfortran -o sorttest sorttest.f95
> -bash: gfortran: command not found
> And if I instead use a named version of gfortran then I get:
> $ gfortran-mp-4.5 -o sorttest sorttest.f95
> gfortran-mp-4.5: sorttest.f95: No such file or directory
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