How to run wordpress

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sun Jan 22 16:35:24 PST 2012

On Jan 22, 2012, at 18:29, James Linder wrote:

>>> To test wordpress on my local machine, I have tried to install the
>>> wordpress package on oz computer but I can't start it
>>> Can you help me please
>> Configuring Wordpress needs the setup of a corresponding mysql database. This is afaik not part of macports and depends from your needs as most LAMP applications do need their own configurations - independent from any installation system / framework like macports.
>> Take a look at the wordpress install docs and - if required - into mysql docs about how to create a database incl. database user with proper access rights to it.
> Heretical on this list, but why would you not just run a linux LAMP server

Not heretical. If running Linux is better for a particular task than running OS X, do it. However, the user does not know how to configure wordpress. The answer to that is not to run Linux; the answer is to learn how to configure wordpress.

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