tcl expert needed
Bjarne D Mathiesen
macintosh at
Sun Jun 3 07:52:59 PDT 2012
Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> On Jun 2, 2012, at 18:34, Bjarne D Mathiesen wrote:
>> Jeremy Lavergne wrote:
>>>> I've got a problem where the same action has to be done, but depending
>>>> on whether I'm in /post-destroot/ or /post-activate/ I need to create
>>>> and install in different directories
>>> That's precisely what the post-destroot and post-activate blocks do: they execute during post-destroot phase or post-activate phase, respectively.
>> I know that, but can I query a variable or something that tells me
>> exactly which phase I'm in ???
> Not that I know of.
>> eg :
>> proc doSomething args {
>> switch ${phase} {
>> "destroot" -
>> "post-destroot" { set where "destroot" }
>> "activate" -
>> "post-activate" { set where "" }
>> }
>> xinstall -d ${where}[dict get ${apache} libexecdir]
>> /do a lot of stuff/
>> }
> What is the specific task you're going to do? Depending on the task, you probably want to either always do it in destroot, or always in activate; I can't think of a case where you'd want to make that dependent on some situation.
I've got this piece of actual code :
+++ code start +++
# mimics installation via apxs, but under Debian/Ubuntu layout
# which renders apxs useless for activating modules
# has been made simpler as we always starts with a clean slate
# expanded functionality compared to apxs:
# ++ optionally installs dylibs
proc apxsInstall { moduleName activate dylibs } {
global apache destroot prefix
xinstall -m 0755 -d -W ${destroot}[dict get ${apache} sysconfdir] \
mods-available mods-enabled
# strip pre-/suffix from moduleName
set moduleName [regsub {_module} ${moduleName} "" ]
set moduleName [regsub {mod_} ${moduleName} "" ]
set loadFileName [dict get ${apache}
set loadFile [open ${loadFileName} w 644]
foreach libName ${dylibs} {
set dylibFile [ exec find ${prefix}/lib -type f -iname
"lib${libName}*.dylib" ]
puts ${loadFile} "LoadFile ${dylibFile}"
puts ${loadFile} "LoadModule ${moduleName}_module [dict get
${apache} libexecdir]/mod_${moduleName}.so"
close ${loadFile}
if { ${activate} == "yes" } {
exec "[dict get ${apache} sbindir]/a2enmod" ${moduleName}
+++ code end +++
I just thought it would be nice having the option of either using it in
destroot or install.
But I've settled on destroot as the most proper place.
Bjarne D Mathiesen
København N ; Danmark ; Europa
denne besked er skrevet i et totalt M$-frit miljø
MacOS X 10.7.3 Lion ; 2.8GHz Intel Core i7 ; 16GB 1067MHz DDR3
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