[enhancement] proposal - make all ports independent of which version of Perl is installed or the major one
Bjarne D Mathiesen
macintosh at mathiesen.info
Wed May 23 20:36:44 PDT 2012
Bjarne D Mathiesen wrote:
> Eric Hall wrote:
>> On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 09:07:58PM +0200, Bjarne D Mathiesen wrote:
>>> Now, we do have 96 ports that have perl5.12 hardcoded into them.
>>> That means, that they are presently 2 (two) years behind schedule as I
>>> see it.
>>> If we don't come to a resolution as a group, I'll just implement my own
>>> solution and post my procedure here on the lists for other interested
>>> parties should they be interested.
>> I don't see a problem with providing a variable that can be
>> set somewhere that will make bumping the perl revs easier. It's
>> certainly been a pain while trying to test things for perl5.14 to
>> have to go in and edit port files to avoid installing perl5.12.
> OK ... I'll post a way to mass-migrate all 96 ports in one go then ...
attached, find my solution to mass-migrate all the ports in one go :-)
I hope it'll be of use for the hackers in here :-D
I've tried to make the coding descriptive as well as commented my code.
If there are points in my code that are un-clear, please don't hesitate
to ask me here on the list :-)
You can use the results in two ways:
1) create a local repo that takes precedence over the macports repo
the Portfiles generated will thus supercede the ones provided by
macports major
2) use the patch-files to modify the macports repo.
to make this work, you'll have to add an additional step after a
/port sync/ in order to apply the patches:
port sync
for patchFile in $(find ${macportsRoot} \
-type f -name 'patch-Portfile.diff')
patch -u -p0 <${patchFile}
OH ... and you'll have to modify the #! script path in the script ;-)
I do recommend installing bash from MacPorts and using that :-)
Happy Hacking !!! :-D
Bjarne D Mathiesen
København N ; Danmark ; Europa
denne besked er skrevet i et totalt M$-frit miljø
MacOS X 10.7.3 Lion ; 2.8GHz Intel Core i7 ; 16GB 1067MHz DDR3
-------------- next part --------------
# change these to reflect your installation:
# prefix : where you have installed macports
# macportsRoot : where you want to store the modifed Portfiles
declare prefix='/macports'
declare macportsRoot='/Volumes/Bjarne/WebServer/MacPorts/test'
# don't change this
declare rsyncMacportsOrg='/var/macports/sources/rsync.macports.org/release/tarballs/ports'
mkdir -pv ${macportsRoot}
declare -i counter=0
declare -i totalPorts=$( port -q list | wc -l )
declare -i portrev
# this time we're only interested in perl5.12
declare -i version=12
cd "${macportsRoot}"
# find all the ports that are dependent on perl5.${version}
# or p5.${version}-<something>
while read portname[0] portname[1] portname[2]
(( counter++ ))
printf "\r[ %5i | %5i ] " ${counter} ${totalPorts}
fundet=$( \
grep -E -e "(perl${version}|p5.${version})" $(port file ${portname[0]}) \
| wc -l )
if [ ${fundet} -gt 0 ]
# copy the Portfile
mkdir -pv ${portname[2]}
cd ${portname[2]}
cp $(port file ${portname[0]}) 'Portfile.orig'
# splice the PortGroup command into the Portfile
portrev=$( grep -i "PortGroup.*perl5" 'Portfile.orig' | wc -l )
if [ ${portrev} -eq 0 ]
sed -En -e "1,/^PortSystem/p" 'Portfile.orig' \
> 'Portfile'
echo -e "PortGroup\t\t\tperl5\t1.0" \
>> 'Portfile'
sed -E -e "1,/^PortSystem/d" 'Portfile.orig' \
>> 'Portfile'
cp 'Portfile.orig' 'Portfile'
# replace the hardcoded values with a variable
sed -i '' -E \
-e "/^\#/!s/perl5.${version}/perl\$\{perl5.major\}/g" \
-e "/^\#/!s/p5.${version}/p\$\{perl5.major\}/g" \
# create *.diff files for all the copied Portfiles
rm 'patch-Portfile.diff' 2>/dev/null
diff -u \
$( port file ${portname[0]} ) \
'Portfile' \
> 'patch-Portfile.diff'
cd ${OLDPWD}
done < <( port list )
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