port info problem

Federico Calboli f.calboli at gmail.com
Tue Apr 9 03:08:20 PDT 2013

Dear All,

I was checking (out of academic curiosity) the port for R.

:~$ port info R
R @2.15.3 (math, science)
Variants:             aqua, debug, gcc43, gcc44, gcc45, gcc46, [+]gcc47, [+]recommended

Description:          R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. R provides a wide variety of statistical (linear
                      and nonlinear modeling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis, classification, clustering, ...) and graphical
                      techniques, and is highly extensible.
Homepage:             http://www.r-project.org/

Build Dependencies:   pkgconfig
Library Dependencies: gettext, icu, glib2, jpeg, libiconv, cairo, pango, readline, tcl, tk, tiff, xorg-libXmu, xorg-libXScrnSaver, gcc47
Conflicts with:       R-framework
Platforms:            darwin
License:              GPL-2 GPL-3
Maintainers:          kjell.konis at me.com

I was curious to know more about R-framework, due to the conflict with R, so I tried

:~$ port info R-framework
Error: Inconsistent variant specification: R-framework variant +x11 is required by at least one of +cairo +accelerate +gcc47 +recommended, but specified -x11
Error: Unable to open port: Error evaluating variants

WTF?  I might not be interested installing a port (in fact I do not install R through macports in the first place), but why can't I get info about it if I want?  The fact I do not want macports to install x11 has nothing to do with my ability to read info about a port.




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