Installing GNUstep using MacPorts

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sun Dec 1 16:41:50 PST 2013

On Dec 1, 2013, at 14:32, Lars Sonchocky-Helldorf <lars.sonchocky-helldorf at> wrote:

> Did you try mailing to macports-users <macports-users at>? This list is somewhat active, I have no idea whether someone responds to those addresses inside the portfiles.
> cheers,
> 	Lars
> Am 01.12.2013 um 18:29 schrieb Adam Fedor:
>> I would not use macports. The gnustep package on on macports is really really old - 1.19 was released over 4 years ago. Plus they pretty much ignore any patches or bug reports you send in.

If by “they” you mean the MacPorts community, we certainly do respond to patches and bug reports. However we are a volunteer project. We have hundreds of contributors, who have volunteered to maintain various packages. Unfortunately, nobody has volunteered to maintain the gnustep packages in MacPorts, therefore bugs filed against those packages might not get resolved.

What we need is for someone who is interested in gnustep and understands how it should work to volunteer to maintain and update these packages and address the outstanding tickets.

>> Again, I would not recommend installing GNUstep on Mac OSX, but if you want to try you could look at this:
>> Although even these instructions are old and probably out of date. You are on your own if you want to do this though. Trying to install GNUstep on OSX has turned many a programmer prematurely grey. ;-)

And this may be a reason why nobody has yet figured out how to do it and translate that knowledge into a working MacPorts porfile.

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