Installing GNUstep using MacPorts

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sun Dec 1 23:55:36 PST 2013

On Dec 2, 2013, at 01:10, Kevin Ingwersen wrote:

> Well, I may actually start to volunteer for gnustep-macports. I just need to finally get a working compiler that can compile gnustep correctly. The only and current issue are some basic includes and weird declaration errors like:
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Headers/SecItem.h:410:42: error: expected ';' after top level declarator
> extern const CFTypeRef kSecAttrAccessible
>                                         ^
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Headers/SecItem.h:414:43: error: expected ';' after top level declarator
> extern const CFTypeRef kSecAttrAccessGroup
>                                          ^
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Headers/SecItem.h:416:46: error: expected ';' after top level declarator
> extern const CFTypeRef kSecAttrSynchronizable
>                                             ^
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Headers/SecItem.h:418:49: error: expected ';' after top level declarator
> extern const CFTypeRef kSecAttrSynchronizableAny
> (…)
> But, if i get aorund this, there shouldnt be a big issue porting my current way to macports! :)

How did you get to this point? What steps would I need to take to reproduce this issue on my own system? It’s hard to know what’s wrong, based on just the information above. For example, I see that the Security framework is being used (presumably this was requested by passing the flag “-framework Security” to the compiler), but you didn’t show what file was being compiled at the time.

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