Installing mysql for digikam

David Lyon gtmdhl at
Thu Dec 12 07:07:34 PST 2013

Well, I guess I have created another conundrum. The reference you  
provided, I erroneously assumed that the Host Name was the one associated  
with the port # (3306) you provided. So I, after failing with  
"localhost",  entered as the Host Name but apparently it is  
not correct, as digikam is not opening and provided the error message  

I think if I can find the correct items for Host Name; Port: my user name:  
and my password; digikam should work. When I was configuring mysql last  
evening, I received an indication that my mysql ID was "10". I reset the  
password successfully and was confirmed. Any suggestions or guidance will  
be appreciated.
Error Message
bash-3.2$ /Applications/MacPorts/KDE4/
digikam(4634)/digikam (core) Digikam::AlbumWatch::connectToKDirWatch:  
KDirWatch method =  "FAM"
digikam(4634)/digikam (core) Digikam::AlbumManager::setDatabase:  
DatabaseParameters: [ Type "QMYSQL", Name "digikam" (Thumbnails Name  
"thumbnails-digikam"); Host Name and Port: "" 3306; Username  
and Password: "10", "selkirk"]
digikam(4634)/digikam (core): Error while opening the database. Error  
details [ QSqlError(2003, "QMYSQL: Unable to connect", "Can't connect to  
MySQL server on '' (60)") ]
2013-12-12 09:59:41.189 digikam[4634:507] modalSession has been exited  
prematurely - check for a reentrant call to endModalSession:
digikam(4634)/digikam (core): Error while opening the database. Error  
details [ QSqlError(2003, "QMYSQL: Unable to connect", "Can't connect to  
MySQL server on '' (60)") ]
QSqlDatabasePrivate::removeDatabase: connection 'ConnectionTest' is still  
in use, all queries will cease to work.

On Wed, 11 Dec 2013 20:36:25 -0500, Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at>  

> On Dec 11, 2013, at 17:58, David Lyon wrote:
>> OK-- one small step which is probably the critical one has been  
>> missing. I have attached the log from XQuartx and a screen shot of the  
>> set up within digikam once it's opened which requires the mysql server  
>> set up.
>> I have never made it to this point and saw the necessity of setting the  
>> preferences for mysql server. If someone can help me understand the  
>> answers to: Host Name:
>> 		           Port:
>> my user ID for mysql is known as is my pssword
>> Anything required in the "Datbase Connections Options"?
>> I think that will provide a stable program.
> If the MySQL server is running on the same computer on which you want to  
> run digikam, then the hostname should be “localhost”, otherwise the  
> hostname should be the hostname or IP address of the computer running  
> the MySQL server. The port should be the default MySQL server port,  
> which is 3306.
> The username should be a valid MySQL username on your MySQL server; the  
> server comes preconfigured with a single user, “root”, with its password  
> set to the empty string. Since the root account is the administrator  
> account which can be used to do anything on your server, including  
> reading or deleting all data, you should secure it against unauthorized  
> access by changing the MySQL server’s root password to something else  
> (the MAMP page includes instructions for doing so). Having done this,  
> you could fill “root” and the MySQL root account’s password into  
> digikam. Alternately, if you’re going to use your MySQL server for other  
> things as well, you may want to make a separate MySQL account for  
> digikam and use that.
> I don’t know what kind of “database connection options” they’re  
> referring to. I’d try leaving them blank, or finding the digikam  
> documentation to see what kinds of options you can use and if any of  
> them would be useful to you.
> Your screen shot showed you filled in the value  
> “/Users/David/Desktop/PICS TO PRACTICS” into the two fields “Schema  
> Name” and “Thumbnails Schema Name”. This is probably not correct. A  
> schema name in MySQL is a database name; it’s asking you what names you  
> want it to use when creating the databases in your MySQL server.  
> Alternately, you might need to create them yourself, and then tell it  
> here what names you used; I’m not sure; you’d have to consult the  
> digikam documentation. I would make up two database names and fill them  
> in and see what happens. Either it’ll create them and use them, or it’ll  
> complain that they don’t exist, in which case you’ll need to create them.
> You should probably read a digikam-specific tutorial about this. I found  
> this one about setting it up to use MySQL:
> It also says it’s not necessary, and that usually it uses SQLite  
> instead, which requires no setup. It says:
> “Of course, you might wonder why you’d want to switch to MySQL when  
> SQLite already does a good job of managing the data? Using MySQL as  
> digiKam’s database back-end allows you to store the data on a remote  
> server. This way, you can use multiple digiKam installations (e.g., on  
> your notebook and desktop machine) to access and manage your photo  
> collections.”
> So if that’s something you want to do, then using MySQL is a good idea.

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