wrong host name : digikam won't open

David Lyon gtmdhl at vfemail.net
Fri Dec 13 13:21:08 PST 2013

I entered the incorrect host name in the preference section of digikam for  
the data management section (mysql or sqlite). I attempted to correct the  
problem by un-installing both MacPorts and digikam. However upon starting  
what I would have believed to be a brand new version of digikam, I receive  
the same error message (see attached). I have no idea how to proceed. Any  
guidance will be apreciated. Attached is the error message.

bash-3.2$ /Applications/MacPorts/KDE4/digikam.app/Contents/MacOS/digikam
digikam(2863)/digikam (core) Digikam::AlbumWatch::connectToKDirWatch:  
KDirWatch method =  "FAM"
digikam(2863)/digikam (core) Digikam::AlbumManager::setDatabase:  
DatabaseParameters: [ Type "QMYSQL", Name "digikam" (Thumbnails Name  
"thumbnails-digikam"); Host Name and Port: "" 3306; Username  
and Password: "10", "selkirk"]
digikam(2863)/digikam (core): Error while opening the database. Error  
details [ QSqlError(2003, "QMYSQL: Unable to connect", "Can't connect to  
MySQL server on '' (60)") ]
digikam(2863)/digikam (core): Error while opening the database. Error  
details [ QSqlError(2003, "QMYSQL: Unable to connect", "Can't connect to  
MySQL server on '' (60)") ]
digikam(2863)/digikam (core): Error while opening the database. Error  
details [ QSqlError(2003, "QMYSQL: Unable to connect", "Can't connect to  
MySQL server on '' (60)") ]
digikam(2863)/digikam (core): Error while opening the database. Error  
details [ QSqlError(2003, "QMYSQL: Unable to connect", "Can't connect to  
MySQL server on '' (60)") ]
digikam(2863)/digikam (core): Error while opening the database. Error  
details [ QSqlError(2003, "QMYSQL: Unable to connect", "Can't connect to  
MySQL server on '' (60)") ]
digikam(2863)/digikam (core): Error while opening the database. Error  
details [ QSqlError(2003, "QMYSQL: Unable to connect", "Can't connect to  
MySQL server on '' (60)") ]
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