Mountain Lion X11

Scott Webster sewebster at
Sat Feb 9 17:58:20 PST 2013

I think I've just come to the realization that the reason "nothing works"
is that I no longer have X11 installed after the mountain lion upgrade.

I'm somewhat surprised that there was no dependency on any X11 package when
I reinstalled all my ports, but I guess the assumption is that you might be
using an X11 installed outside of macports (which seems perhaps counter to
the usual philosophy).

Is there a "recommended" solution?  There are various x11 ports in
macports.... or should I just install the xquartz dmg from their website?

Sorry, I'm sure this has been asked a million times, and there is a bunch
of talk about it on the web etc, but I guess I'm trying to make sure I do
it the "usual" way.  We should probably also update the macports
installation webpage, which says that X11 is included unconditionally in
Lion, but makes no mention of Mountain Lion.

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