UNIX commands font

Alejandro Imass aimass at yabarana.com
Wed Feb 13 18:22:32 PST 2013

On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 6:59 PM, Lawrence Velázquez <larryv at macports.org> wrote:


> I interpreted it to be about interspersing Unix commands with prose, in emails and such.

That seems to be the general consensus. Nevertheless, from the
"learning UNIX" and an earlier post
I assumed it was more in the likes of "where do I type my Unix


> I don't see how bash is a Linux-ism.

Bash was built for GNU and Linux is on the GNU line and Bash has been
the default Linux shell AFAICR.

> Do modern BSDs tend to default to another shell?

sh and maybe tcsh - no bash included on most BSDs AFAIK unless it's from ports.


>> On this list I would suspect that you won't get much help for learning how to use your Mac OS X as a Unix box, but rather more specifically on problems with MacPorts.
> The members of this list will help in any way they can, although (as usual) it is appreciated if you do basic research before posting, using resources like Stack Overflow and Super User.

That holds true for just about any list. The point being made was that
every list has a topic and this one in particular is "General support
for installation and usage of MacPorts.", so the suggestion to the OP
is that he would probably get a lot more help in a more generic
Mac-Unix list or forum and was hoping someone would jump in and
suggest one.

Your suggestions of Stack Overflow and Super User I think are a good
starting points.

> It's not a MacPorts-only list.

I disagree here. Whilst there is always some OT discussion, like tis
one, most posts should stick with the list's topic.

JMHO anyway.


Alejandro Imass

> vq

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