About iStumbler

William H. Magill magill at mac.com
Thu Feb 21 07:44:46 PST 2013

I have been an iStumbler user for many years, lately via MacPorts, and recently have had some folks ask me about it's status.

If you visit "www.istumbler.net" -- it does not support Mountain Lion, and only the beta of iStumbler 100 supports 10.7 Lion.

Clearly, the MacPorts implementation runs on 10.8 Mountain Lion.

So, the question becomes... 

1- is anybody supporting iStumbler anymore?  It doesn't look "dead" -- but it is clearly not current.

2- Is there a "sourceforge" repository?

3- I note that there is an iStumbler Facebook page which seems to be active.

4- Is twit the only way to contact the author?

William H. Magill
# iMac11,3 Core i7 [2.93GHz - 8 GB 1067MHz] OS X 10.8.2
# MacBook Pro4.1 Core 2 Duo [2.5GHz - 4GB 667] OS X 10.6.8
# Macmini6,1 Intel Core i5 [2.5 Ghz - 4GB 1600MHz] OS X 10.8.1

magill at mac.com
whmagill at gmail.com

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