Broken perl configuration

Bruce R Miller bruce.miller at
Thu Feb 21 15:19:56 PST 2013

On 02/21/2013 12:33 PM, Daniel J. Luke wrote:
> On Feb 21, 2013, at 12:30 PM, Bruce Miller<bruce.miller at>  wrote:
>>> yes. What I'm saying is if you do ${prefix}/bin/perl Makefile.PL&&  make&&  make install you're installing something into MacPorts' ${prefix} that MacPorts doesn't know about - it's much better to use 'port' to manage installs and whatnot for ${prefix}
>> Well, I don't quite say that: My instructions for users that want
>> to mess with svn checkout is simply
>>   perl Makefile.PL
>>   make
>>   (sudo) make install
>> Under normal circumstances they'd be getting "the" perl
>> (with macports, presumably the one isntalled in /opt/local/bin ?)
>> So, it seems that $prefix IS the one that macports should know about.
> yes, you are telling your users to install stuff into ${prefix} without using the 'port' command. This means they are installing files that MacPorts doesn't know about.

Sure, macports doesn't know about the stuff that was installed;
I thought you were saying installing into a directory that
macports doesn't know about.  It knows about the directory,
but it doesn't know about the stuff.


As much as you or I may like to stay within managed packages,
you never can keep up with CPAN and shouldn't try.
And occasionally, there's really useful stuff that ought
to be usable without jumping through hoops.


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