Magically-disappearing tclsh8.5

Scott Webster sewebster at
Sun Feb 24 14:19:02 PST 2013

On Sun, Feb 24, 2013 at 2:10 PM, Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at> wrote:
>> There are lots of things that Macports COULD theoretically do, but
>> given the available resources it basically only works in "one way."
>> That means that there is one available version of every port, and
> This is not always the case. There are multiple ports for php (php53, php54, php55, plus the legacy ones), python (python24, python25, python26, python27, python31, python32, python33), perl (perl5.8, perl5.10, perl5.12, perl5.14, perl5.16), etc. In the case of php and python this seems to work very well. Users can choose the version they want, ports can declare dependencies on the version they want, multiple versions can be installed at the same time. perl is supposed to work that way too, but there has been recent discussion about it not being worth the hassle and about undoing all of this and going back to just a single version of perl. So certainly before we invest energy in splitting tcl and tk into multiple versioned ports we should be sure that we really need that.

Right, of course, what I was trying to say was that each PORT has only
one version.  So, in my world anyway, python25 and python26 are
different ports.  We're into semantics at this point!


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