Side effects?

James Griffin jmz.griffin at
Thu Jan 31 01:23:20 PST 2013

* Ian Wadham < at> [2013-01-31 14:34:06 +1100]:
> BTW, does Macports have a nice safe GUI?
> Cheers, Ian W.

My feeling is that Macports doesn't need a GUI. Using the command-line
is part of the "fun". When I got my first Mac I spent literally all
of my computing time on it using the Terminal. I bought some books
specific to the UNIX subsystem of Mac OS X and that's the reason I
became addicted to UNIX systems. If Apple ever decided to remove
the access to the UNIX subsystem I'd stop using Mac's completely.
Bit OT there, sorry :-)

I can understand, though, why some people might find a Macports GUI
helpful. But personally I'd never use it.

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