Side effects?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Thu Jan 31 17:52:44 PST 2013

On Jan 31, 2013, at 19:34, Ian Wadham < at> wrote:

>> Interface Builder. It's part of Xcode.
> Thanks, Ryan.  That looks good.  It's not exactly lying around on the surface
> in Xcode, though.  FWICG, you have to use File->New… and ask for a XIB
> file(?).

I would say using Interface Builder is fundamental to writing a GUI application on OS X. Using Xcode to its fullest potential, and how to develop a Mac app, are not things I think one can easily intuit by just opening Xcode and poking around in it. There are many tutorials out there, even entire courses, that teach this. There was a nice Stanford course on iOS development with Cocoa touch that you can find for free on iTunesU; it looked pretty good, but is of course tailored for iOS development; maybe there's one tailored for OS X development.

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