Pidgin (2.10.7) Chatlogs folder not foud
Poulpette Delamare
poulpette.delamare at
Mon May 6 12:06:17 PDT 2013
Le 06/05/2013 20:58, Eneko Gotzon Ares a écrit :
> (Sorry if the list receives this message twice)
> On May 6, 2013, at 12:25 PM, Frank Schima wrote:
>> I was sometimes able to find invisible folders or files, but never
>> files inside invisible folders.
> When I want the Finder to show me hidden files, I run these Terminal
> commands:
> defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE –Enter–
> killall Finder –Enter–
> defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE –Enter–
> killall Finder –Enter–
Yep, I tried this just to see what it is like, but I find it looks a
little bit like a “tweak” for me. I mean, on a Linux distribution
(Ubuntu and co, at least), a simple Ctrl+H takes less than a second to
be done. For a Unix based OS, I think having to open a terminal and
write a command line to do such a simple and quite useful thing is not
really handy, alas… But well, no choice!
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