Pidgin (2.10.7) Chatlogs folder not foud
Ryan Schmidt
ryandesign at
Mon May 6 15:38:51 PDT 2013
On May 6, 2013, at 14:06, Poulpette Delamare wrote:
> Le 06/05/2013 20:58, Eneko Gotzon Ares a écrit :
>> When I want the Finder to show me hidden files, I run these Terminal commands:
>> defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE –Enter–
>> killall Finder –Enter–
>> defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE –Enter–
>> killall Finder –Enter–
> Yep, I tried this just to see what it is like, but I find it looks a little bit like a “tweak” for me. I mean, on a Linux distribution (Ubuntu and co, at least), a simple Ctrl+H takes less than a second to be done. For a Unix based OS, I think having to open a terminal and write a command line to do such a simple and quite useful thing is not really handy, alas… But well, no choice!
You only have to do it once; then hidden files are visible forever (or until you run the command to hide them again). I keep hidden files visible on my systems all the time. Very convenient.
If you routinely want to toggle the visibility of hidden files for some reason, I'm sure you can write a script to automate it.
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