changing default perl

Mark Anderson emer at
Tue Nov 5 15:15:35 PST 2013

Actually, I kinda like that idea. It will be a lot of work, though. But it
would keep me from having to mix CPAN and p5-* which I know is not
recommended, but I still do.

Mark E. Anderson <emer at>

On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 9:46 AM, Daniel J. Luke <dluke at> wrote:

> I would say we should even go further, and get rid of all of the p5-*
> ports.
> Instead, we should install perl5 as the latest stable perl, and include
> our own 'cpanm' program (like how perlbrew has it's own) which would
> download/build/(test)/install modules (probably into a DESTROOT to allow
> MacPorts to do the actual install and to take advantage of Macports being
> able to do unininstall). We could add a new dependency type (and associated
> functionality) to allow ports to still depend on perl modules, and the
> perl5 port could uninstall/reinstall all of the installed perl modules when
> upgraded (or actually, on post-activate).
> Of course, that's considerably more work (and requires changes to base/
> that others may or may not be willing to accept into base/).
> We should at least just switch to one stable perl5, though.
> On Nov 4, 2013, at 7:05 PM, Mark Anderson <emer at> wrote:
> > I'm with you there. 5.8 and 5.10 are long out of support. The Perl
> community also strongly advises moving to the latest version as soon as it
> is marked stable, that's why they make you do things like: use 5.018; to
> get new features that can break old ones. Which is why I'm leaning more and
> more toward nuking all but the latest perl and away from port select.
> --
> Daniel J. Luke
> +========================================================+
> | *---------------- dluke at ----------------* |
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