problem upgrading py27-numpy

Comer Duncan comer.duncan at
Sat Nov 23 12:01:25 PST 2013

Today I did another selfupdate and then port upgrade outdated.  Here is the
list of outdated:

py-game                        1.9.1_6 < 1.9.1_7

py24-ipython                   0.10.2_0 < 0.10.2_1

py27-cairo                     1.10.0_2 < 1.10.0_3

py27-game                      1.9.1_6 < 1.9.1_7

py27-matplotlib                1.3.1_1 < 1.3.1_2

py27-numpy                     1.8.0_0 < 1.8.0_2

py27-opengl-accelerate         3.0.2_0 < 3.0.2_1

It then first worked on py27-numpy.  After a little while the job aborted.
 I have attached the log file. It seems that py27-numpy does not exist.
This occurs near the beginning of the log file.  Is there a known problem
with the existence of the needed file? Here is the piece of the log file
which seems relevant:

:info:archivefetch --->  py27-numpy-1.8.0_2.darwin_13.x86_64.tbz2 doesn't
seem to exist in /opt/local/var/macports/incoming/verified

:msg:archivefetch --->  Attempting to fetch
py27-numpy-1.8.0_2.darwin_13.x86_64.tbz2 from

:debug:archivefetch Fetching archive failed:: The requested URL returned
error: 404 Not Found

:msg:archivefetch --->  Attempting to fetch
py27-numpy-1.8.0_2.darwin_13.x86_64.tbz2 from

:debug:archivefetch Fetching archive failed:: The requested URL returned
error: 404 Not Found

:msg:archivefetch --->  Attempting to fetch
py27-numpy-1.8.0_2.darwin_13.x86_64.tbz2 from

:debug:archivefetch Fetching archive failed:: The requested URL returned
error: 404 Not Found

Does anyone have suggestions on what to do to further sort this out?



 *Comer Duncan* *, Bowling Green State University 1970-2005*

 comer.duncan at
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