How would I know to use "sudo port load/unload mysql55-server"?

Lawrence Velázquez larryv at
Fri Sep 20 10:05:53 PDT 2013

On Sep 20, 2013, at 12:18 PM, Jeremy Lavergne <jeremy at> wrote:

> Eh, there's more to it than just the notes:
> $ port notes mysql55-server
> mysql55-server has the following notes:
>  If this is a new install you might want to run:
>  $ sudo -u _mysql /opt/local/lib/mysql55/bin/mysql_install_db
> You need to run `port load...` or `port unload...` to actually start and stop daemons.

Yes, and MacPorts prints a message to that effect whenever a StartupItem is created, independent of the port's notes.

    % sudo port install --no-rev-upgrade mysql55-server
    --->  Fetching distfiles for mysql55
    --->  Attempting to fetch mysql-5.5.33.tar.gz from
    --->  Verifying checksums for mysql55
    --->  Extracting mysql55
    --->  Applying patches to mysql55
    --->  Configuring mysql55
    --->  Building mysql55
    --->  Staging mysql55 into destroot
    --->  Installing mysql55 @5.5.33_0
    The mysql55 client has been installed.
    To install the mysql55 server, install the mysql55-server port.
    --->  Activating mysql55 @5.5.33_0
    --->  Cleaning mysql55
    --->  Fetching distfiles for mysql55-server
    --->  Verifying checksums for mysql55-server
    --->  Extracting mysql55-server
    --->  Configuring mysql55-server
    --->  Building mysql55-server
    --->  Staging mysql55-server into destroot
    --->  Creating launchd control script
    # A startup item has been generated that will aid in
    # starting mysql55-server with launchd. It is disabled
    # by default. Execute the following command to start it,
    # and to cause it to launch at startup:
    # sudo port load mysql55-server
    --->  Installing mysql55-server @5.5.33_0
    --->  Activating mysql55-server @5.5.33_0
    If this is a new install you might want to run:
    $ sudo -u _mysql /opt/local/lib/mysql55/bin/mysql_install_db
    --->  Cleaning mysql55-server
    sudo port install --no-rev-upgrade mysql55-server  497.59s user 89.97s system 134% cpu 7:18.35 total


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