Python and Tkinter
ugajin at
ugajin at
Tue Apr 1 17:15:35 PDT 2014
I run OSX v10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) and I have a few versions of Python installed. The latest version is 2.7.6 installed itself along with (I beleive) a Macport installation of Fontforge. Being a Macport installation it is not located in the usual System > Library > . . . location. Nonetheless, if I run Terminal in interactive Python mode, this is the (default) version launched.
I do not seem to be able to launch IDLE, but more importantly to me, is that I wish to install TKinter. I have downloaded the installer from ActiveState but I have not run it (at the time of writing). This is what the Read Me file states:
ActiveTcl installs
Tcl as a framework in "/Library/Frameworks/Tcl.framework/Versions/8.5".
Tk as a framework in "/Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/Versions/8.5".
the packages in "/Library/Tcl/".
Symbolic links and stubs are created in "/usr/local/bin" for launching tclsh, and wish from the command line.
Symbolic links are created in "/Applications/Utilities" for launching wish from the Finder, Panel, etc.
The ActiveTcl documentation is installed in the Tcl framework, but a symbolic link is created in "/Library/Documentation/Help/ActiveTcl-8.5" to them.
The question is; should I proceed with the ActiveState installation, or is their a better alternative Port option?
I am concerned that the location of Python v2.7.6 which is located in /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7 may be on issue.
Many thanks.
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