ktimetracker and akonadi's googlecontacts/googlecalendar
"René J.V. Bertin"
rjvbertin at gmail.com
Fri Apr 4 09:28:48 PDT 2014
On Apr 04, 2014, at 12:25, René J.V. Bertin wrote:
> Hello,
> Any idea why ktimetracker and the Google contacts/calendar akonadi resources are missing from MacPorts? The latter are part of kdepim-runtime, the former of kdepim, both of which I have installed. Judging from the Portfile no parts/modules of said packages are deactivated, so why am I missing them?
> R
For ktimetracker: the stock CMakeLists.txt file calls for it only for X11 Qt ... because it can do (optional) idle timing based on the X11 screen saver extension. I think XQuartz supports that, but for now I'm just building it without idle tracking.
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<- modified patch for kdepim4
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<- patch for ktimetrackerutility.cpp
This builds, but the app fails while loading its ktimetrackerpart, in
// now that the Part is loaded, we cast it to a Part to get our hands on it
//NOTE: Use the dynamic_cast below. Without it, KPluginLoader will use a qobject_cast
// that fails, because ktimetrackerpart is defined twice, once in ktimetracker's binary
// and another one in the plugin. The build system should be fixed.
//m_part = factory->create<ktimetrackerpart>( this );
m_part = dynamic_cast<ktimetrackerpart*>( factory->create<KParts::ReadWritePart>( this ) );
This is beyond me ...
For the google contacts and calendar resources, this is required:
# Libkgapi2
find_package(LibKGAPI2 1.9.81 QUIET CONFIG)
set_package_properties(LibKGAPI2 PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "KDE-based library for accessing various Google services" URL "https://projects.kde.org/libkgapi" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "LibKGAPI is required to build Akonadi resources to access Google Contacts, Calendars and Tasks")
I'm going to try and install that, and report back.
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