of the kcookiejar and akonadi's googlecontacts/googlecalendar
"René J.V. Bertin"
rjvbertin at gmail.com
Fri Apr 4 10:43:31 PDT 2014
On Apr 04, 2014, at 18:28, René J.V. Bertin wrote:
> For the google contacts and calendar resources, this is required:
> # Libkgapi2
> find_package(LibKGAPI2 1.9.81 QUIET CONFIG)
> set_package_properties(LibKGAPI2 PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "KDE-based library for accessing various Google services" URL "https://projects.kde.org/libkgapi" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "LibKGAPI is required to build Akonadi resources to access Google Contacts, Calendars and Tasks")
> I'm going to try and install that, and report back.
Ok, after installing libkgapi 2.0.2, the google_contacts and google_calendar resources do build, and appear as options when creating a new akonadi service/resource.
However, they're currently useless for me, as even after starting kded4 manually, I get
Apr 4 19:32:53 portia [0x0-0xff5ff5].org.kded.kded4[63890]: kded(63890) Kded::loadModule: Could not load library "kded_kcookiejar" . [ "Cannot load library /Volumes/Debian/MacPorts/lib/kde4/kded_kcookiejar.so: (dlopen(/Volumes/Debian/MacPorts/lib/kde4/kded_kcookiejar.so, 5): no suitable image found. Did find:
/Volumes/Debian/MacPorts/lib/kde4/kded_kcookiejar.so: open() failed with errno=24)" ]
errno 24 is "too many open files" and indeed:
> lsof | fgrep kded4 | wc -l
(on my Linux box with a KDE session that's been open for a few days, I'm at 326 for the same command)
Question is, is this the only reason the cookiejar doesn't work?
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