php-fpm & co: not loading pdo extensions

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sat Feb 22 14:16:02 PST 2014

On Feb 22, 2014, at 11:45, Julien T <julien.t43 at> wrote:

> The problem, AFAIC, it's not clear with which "master php" (php/php-fpm/cli/webui) the extensions port are working (gd/curl/mysql/...)
> I deactivate all my php and reinstall only php55-fpm and extensions like php55-mysql and it works, so good but I'm still confused on how you link extensions with one of the different php setup or else the "root" php should be tagged to conflict each others, no ?

Well it’s really not complicated. All you have to do is decide which MacPorts PHP environment(s) you want to use, and then install ports with that prefix. The ports with the same prefix will work together, and will not conflict with any other PHP environment(s) you want to use.

The MacPorts PHP environments are php56, php55, php54, php53, and php5 (with this last one being old and deprecated and destined for eventual deletion). So, for example, if you want to use the php55 environment, you install ports with the php55 prefix. For example if you want to use the MySQL module, you install php55-mysql. If you want to use the FPM SAPI, you install php55-fpm. If you also want to use php54 ports, perhaps because some script you use requires PHP 5.4.x and has not been updated to be compatible with PHP 5.5.x yet, feel free. The php54* ports will work with each other, the php55* ports will work with each other, and the php54* and php55* ports will not interfere with (or know about) one another. (So if you also want to use MySQL from PHP 5.4.x, you’ll also install php54-mysql.)

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