php-fpm & co: not loading pdo extensions

Julien T julien.t43 at
Sat Feb 22 09:45:09 PST 2014

2014-02-22 1:42 GMT-05:00 Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at>:

> You are attempting to mix two different MacPorts php worlds; this does not
> work.
> You have the mysql module installed for the old php5 world, and the fpm
> sapi installed for the new php53 world. These worlds are unconnected; they
> don't talk to one another or work together.
> Decide which php world you want to use. I recommend the new world since
> the old one will be removed eventually.
> Preferably, upgrade to the php55 ports, though the php54 and php53 ports
> should work fine if for some reason you require those older versions.

The problem, AFAIC, it's not clear with which "master php"
(php/php-fpm/cli/webui) the extensions port are working (gd/curl/mysql/...)

I deactivate all my php and reinstall only php55-fpm and extensions like
php55-mysql and it works, so good but I'm still confused on how you link
extensions with one of the different php setup or else the "root" php
should be tagged to conflict each others, no ?


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