pb "make" stage process to install correctly on MacOS X with MacPorts on Xorg server.

xman nicolaskzc at orange.fr
Mon Jan 27 09:45:36 PST 2014

Hello MacPorts Users,
I use, for my working unix desktop, openbox. I also need, to complete my desktop correctly, tint2, wbar and more. My problem is I can't succeed to "make" correctly the code. The "./configure" stage is ok so there is a problem only with "make" stage but which one? I wish to know to seriously run unix macports on computers. I need help because I have to do my unix work that I did previously on FreeBSD 9.2 Release. I left unix FreeBSD because there are some difficulties with Apple BIOS. So macports has to work now for me. Hope you understand my case.
It should work because MacOS X is the only "true" Unix system alive in the world, if not I'm in trouble in my unix sense.
I'm waiting your answer,
Have a good day,

xman <nicolaskzc at orange.fr>

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