pb "make" stage process to install correctly on MacOS X with MacPorts on Xorg server.

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Mon Jan 27 19:03:06 PST 2014

On Jan 27, 2014, at 11:45, xman <nicolaskzc at orange.fr> wrote:

> I use, for my working unix desktop, openbox. I also need, to complete my desktop correctly, tint2, wbar and more. My problem is I can't succeed to "make" correctly the code. The "./configure" stage is ok so there is a problem only with "make" stage but which one? I wish to know to seriously run unix macports on computers. I need help because I have to do my unix work that I did previously on FreeBSD 9.2 Release. I left unix FreeBSD because there are some difficulties with Apple BIOS. So macports has to work now for me. Hope you understand my case.
> It should work because MacOS X is the only "true" Unix system alive in the world, if not I'm in trouble in my unix sense.

Which MacPorts ports are you having trouble installing? What is the error message that you receive when you try to install them? What OS X version and Xcode version are you using?

I see a port called openbox, which installs fine for me on Mavericks with Xcode 5. I don’t see any ports called tint2 or wbar.

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