taskgated: no signature

Eric Gallager egall at gwmail.gwu.edu
Sat Mar 15 06:05:21 PDT 2014

The only thing I know about taskgated is that you have to modify its
launchd plist (by adding the '-p' option) to allow gdb to control other
processes (on Mountain Lion and higher you can see this with `port notes
gdb-apple`)... Have you done this at all? I have no clue whether that might
be relevant to the specific error that you are experiencing, but I suppose
it could be worth checking anyways...

On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 12:50 AM, Ian Wadham <iandw.au at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I am trying to track down a problem in KDE's Palapeli jigsaw puzzle game,
> being the current source-code developer.  The problem is that the Macports
> installed version of Palapeli runs OK, but my development version crashes
> during its startup phase.
> I have narrowed the problem down to a point where Palapeli is calling
> for a plugin to create one of the standard puzzles which come with
> Palapeli, but have not yet been created in my development area.
> The plugin is found OK, but then the KDE library reports that it cannot
> load it.
> On the Apple OS X Console log, I am seeing the following message
> whenever Palapeli runs and crashes.
>     15/03/14 3:01:16.751 PM taskgated: no signature for pid=900 (cannot
> make code: host has no guest with the requested attributes)
> Can anybody tell me what it means?  If it is fatal, what do I need to
> do to correct it?  "man taskgated" says it is a security check on
> one process starting another, as I understand it.
> I googled on 'taskgated no signature' and found some references
> from a few years back re "no system signature" involving some /opt/local
> programs, but that seemed to be about a different problem.  Also I
> looked through the man page on taskgated.  And I found no hit on either
> "taskgated" or "no signature" on Macports tickets.
> Any ideas?
> Cheers, Ian W.
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