qt4-mac : still dependent on Carbon.framework?

Michael Dickens michaelld at macports.org
Sun Mar 16 15:42:53 PDT 2014

Hi René - Are you saying that you removed the linking with "-framework
Carbon" from when QtGui is linked and that worked?  Or, are you talking
about for some project that's using QtGui via QMake, for which removing
the linking with Carbon worked?  I've never tried the former, and the
latter could easily work depending on the project. - MLD

On Sun, Mar 16, 2014, at 09:02 AM, René J.V. Bertin wrote:
> I see that Qt4-mac links against Carbon.framework (in QtGui.dylib) and
> even exports the dependency via qmake. But the times I tried to link
> without -framework Carbon everything worked just fine.
> Is this dependency still valid, and is it really one that needs to be
> promoted from the Qt frameworks to clients using said frameworks (rather
> than just being a Qt internal dependency satisfied as long as the Qt
> frameworks are linked against Carbon)?

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