
"René J.V. Bertin" rjvbertin at gmail.com
Fri Mar 21 06:05:36 PDT 2014

On Mar 20, 2014, at 17:41, Nicolas Pavillon wrote:

> I may have expressed myself incorrectly, but the compatibility mode of eigen3 does not reduce the amount of options of calligra. provides full support, apart from some modules which are not supported. It is thus a yes/no case, where either you can use the compatibility mode if you are not using the unsupported modules, or you have to adjust your code. 

Exactly, and that's not something I'm very much interested in testing in something that's not a stable release :)

Anyway, I figured out why eigen 2 doesn't build with clang. Apparently a C++ specialisation error in a single file. I'm not sure I understood it completely, but googling the error led me to a very simple solution that allows the build to complete (hopefully without introducing any regressions). A patch file and modified Portfile are attached to this message.

>> [snip] but the applications I tested seemed functional enough. The suite is well too complicated to assert if it's "completely working", aside from what the unit tests say…
> Well, if you get something which is working satisfyingly, I would encourage you to attach your Portfile to the ticket #37579. Calligra is still not an official port of Macports, so if there is something working, it would be nice to have it committed. 

Heh, for the moment I don't have anything like a Portfile, neither for Calligra nor for the 2 or 3 dependencies I had to install outside of MacPorts ... but who knows. In any case I'll post an update when I think things are ripe. I hope the build process will be as standard as possible (and strive to get any adaptations accepted upstream) so making a Portfile ought to be easy enough for anyone accustomed to do so.

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