
Nicolas Pavillon nicos at macports.org
Thu Mar 20 09:41:08 PDT 2014


>> More generally, it is also possible to use eigen3 in compatibility mode, which works for most modules. I could use this for example in Kstars to keep to the port to build.
> I'll have a look at that, but I prefer to have the maximum of optional components available. I started out trying to build without GLEW, but realised rather quickly that the code hadn't been tested for a while in its absence. And in fact, the only true issue I had until now was probably introduced by (or was at least concurrent with) not building the gmic extension for Krita.

I may have expressed myself incorrectly, but the compatibility mode of eigen3 does not reduce the amount of options of calligra. It provides full support, apart from some modules which are not supported. It is thus a yes/no case, where either you can use the compatibility mode if you are not using the unsupported modules, or you have to adjust your code. 
For what I tested in the past with Calligra’s Portfile, it is possible to use the compatibility mode. 

> [snip] but the applications I tested seemed functional enough. The suite is well too complicated to assert if it's "completely working", aside from what the unit tests say…

Well, if you get something which is working satisfyingly, I would encourage you to attach your Portfile to the ticket #37579. Calligra is still not an official port of Macports, so if there is something working, it would be nice to have it committed. 



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