Macports basics

Eric A. Borisch eborisch at
Thu Mar 27 10:19:11 PDT 2014

On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 5:15 AM, Gio Bacareza <gbacareza at> wrote:

> 4. If I decide to not attempt the port installation of Octave and try
> other means, how do I clean up?

The 'leaves' pseudo-portname for "installed ports that are unrequested and
have no dependents" is useful for cleanup after something like this. (If
you're not planning to try re-installing.)

This can be combined with port psuedo-portnames for some very useful
   port echo leaves and rdepof:octave
   sudo port uninstall leaves and rdepof:octave

Note some things (like automake / autoconf) are required by many ports
during build phases, but become leaves as they are not required after the
install completes. You can 'request' these ports (so they are no longer
leaves) after the fact with "sudo port [un]setrequested <portname>" ... Be
sure to look at the list you are about to uninstall to make sure you really
don't want any of the items. (Or just deactivate them for now if you're not
low on disk space -- they can be reactivated very quickly.)

See "man port" for more information.

 - Eric
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