QFileSystemWatcher problem with messageviewer/themes since a recent update

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at gmail.com
Tue May 27 01:28:53 PDT 2014

Hello Ian

and Marko and Nicos,
and everyone using KDE...

On Tuesday May 27 2014 13:05:58 Ian Wadham wrote:

> Should not this be fixed by reporting a bug on bugs.kde.org?  Or
> patching MacPorts if it is local to Apple OS X?
> Fixing .kde4 could get clobbered by a subsequent KDE version.
> This might be an important KDE global default that should be fixed.

Browsing the area51 thread on this subject, one comes across https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/117993/ . In other words, the fix has already been committed and is effective in KDE 4.13 . I have been running that version on one of my linux rigs since Kubuntu 14.04 came out, and I can say it's a solid release that works better than 4.12 (less resource hungry too, thanks to having ditched nepomuk).
So the best approach would be to apply a MacPorts specific patch to 4.12.5 and move to 4.13 as soon as possible.


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