Cannot get gimp app running

Eric A. Borisch eborisch at
Sat Nov 1 16:45:55 PDT 2014

Are you able to open something that uses a plugin, like a png? My gimp
starts up, but none of the plugins (required for most file types) are

 - Eric

On Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 3:00 PM, David Rowe <drowe at> wrote:

>  On 01/11/2014 16:35, Dave Horsfall wrote:
> . . . .
> Don't you get start-up messages like this?
> | DaveHorsMacBook% gimp
> | Error spawning command line `launchctl getenv
> DBUS_LAUNCHD_SESSION_BUS_SOCKET': Child process killed by signal 11
> | Dynamic session lookup supported but failed: launchctl terminated
> abnormally without any error message
> | Not enough memory
> |
> | (gimp:2988): LibGimpBase-WARNING **: gimp: gimp_wire_read(): error
> |
> | (gimp:2988): LibGimpBase-WARNING **: gimp: gimp_wire_read(): error
> (Zillions of them, as Gimp checks plug-in after plug-in, whilst appearing
> to access the Net.)
>    . . . .
> If I go to the the command line and type gimp, then yes I get exactly
> these messages too. Without a lot of research, I couldn't tell you what
> they mean - but when gimp is eventually running it seems to work OK.
> However I never noticed these messages with gimp before because I always
> used the launcher  in /Applications/MacPorts and it presumably
> discards non-fatal error messages. In my experience of MacPorts, many
> applications spew out non-fatal error messages during launch - but if they
> ever get to open the main window, they are usually OK to use.
> By the way, did you look in /Applications/MacPorts to see if you have the
> launcher there?
> You also asked:
> . . . . .
>  Speaking of launchers, is there an Idiot's Guide to it anywhere?  Apple
> appear to have gone out of their way to abolish such fine old institutions
> like /etc/inetd.conf, /etc/crontab, /etc/fstab etc...
> .........
>   You ask if there is "an Idiot's Guide to it" - but I am not sure what
> you are referring to by "it". Are you asking about Apple MacOSX or
> MacPorts. MacPorts goes out of its way to put its stuff in different places
> to MacOSX so that neither will mess up the other's files during updates.
> MacPorts also steers clear of places where other Open Sources software
> might install - e.g. the MySQL you get direct from installs
> into /usr/local so it doesn't conflict with MySQL installed through MacPorts
> If you want to understand where MacPorts puts its stuff then it is implied
> in Section 2.4 of the MacPorts manual which gives the command for
> completely ripping a MacPorts installation from your system:
> $ *sudo rm -rf \
>         /opt/local \
>         /Applications/DarwinPorts \
>         /Applications/MacPorts \
>         /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.* \
>         /Library/Receipts/DarwinPorts*.pkg \
>         /Library/Receipts/MacPorts*.pkg \
>         /Library/StartupItems/DarwinPortsStartup \
>         /Library/Tcl/darwinports1.0 \
>         /Library/Tcl/macports1.0 \
>         ~/.macports*
> which is why the launchers for MacPorts apps go into
> /Applications/MacPorts, rather than being sprinked all over /Applications
> itself.
> I hope this helps
> David Rowe
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