/bin/sh: line 2: `BASH_FUNC_ttr%%': not a valid identifier

Jeremy Lavergne jeremy at lavergne.gotdns.org
Thu Oct 9 15:27:03 PDT 2014

Off the top of my head:
 * Rosetta (for PPC)
 * Apple Mail in Mavericks cannot do any searching without spotlight (among other bugs)
 * Mavericks Messages keeps records of every chat you’ve had, the option to explicitly “close” can cause deletion when set but previously iChat didn’t try to horde data like this
 * Gatekeeper makes you jump through hoops to install from un-"identified developers” ($)

You can decide how negative these issues are overall (I only use Mavericks on the go, when I’m not really using the computer), and I’m sure there are further reasons.

On Oct 9, 2014, at 18:09, Dave Horsfall <dave at horsfall.org> wrote:

> Is there any good reason to stay with Snow Leopard, when the upgrade to 
> Mavericks is both free and painless?  And if you had Xcode then you get 
> that for free as well.

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