Problem with $DISPLAY

Michael Crawford mdcrawford at
Mon Oct 13 14:35:22 PDT 2014

X11 goes back to way before Mac OS X, as well as long before Linux.

I first built X11 on SunOS (not Solaris) in 1989, on a workstation
that was running Sunview.

I still own a copy of Mac X (or some such) that ran on System 7.

I've never read the X11 spec but my understanding is that it only
defines the "wire protocol" - that is, what is expected from the
network connection.

XLib is built _on_ _top_ of the network protocol, but isn't defined by it.

When I was working on MacTCP QA in 1990, there was some discussion of
building a native Mac OS alternative to the UNIX XLib, but this wasn't
Michael David Crawford
mdcrawford at

   Available for Software Development in the Portland, Oregon Metropolitan

On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 1:11 PM, Clemens Lang <cal at> wrote:
> Hi,
> please take your conversation off-list. We don't want to be on Lennart's
> next list of hostile open source projects.
> --
> Clemens Lang
> (I admit, I couldn't resist that one. But please, go arguing elsewhere.)
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