Yosemite, XCode 6.1?

Gregory Shenaut gkshenaut at ucdavis.edu
Sat Oct 18 14:20:12 PDT 2014

I'm rebuilding my ports after installing Yosemite, and I'm stuck at cmake like several other people. I currently have XCode 6.0.1.

However, I'm also seeing this unusual (to me) message: “Warning: All compilers are either blacklisted or unavailable; defaulting to first fallback option”.

And I note that in the cmake log, it appears to require the MacOSX10.10.sdk, which is a component of XCOde 6.1.

I could download a pre-release version of XCode 6.1 from the Apple site, but it seems odd to me that the ports won't compile with the released version of XCode.

My questions: (1) does the warning have anything to do with the cmake issue? (2) do I have to install XCode 6.1? (3) Or should I search for a copy of MacOSX10.10.sdk and just install it?

Greg Shenaut
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