Yosemite upgrade

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Sun Oct 19 12:33:31 PDT 2014

On Oct 19, 2014, at 1:33 PM, Carlo Tambuatco wrote:
> Supported or not...this way seemed to work for a majority of my ports and I was wondering whether nuking all 459 of my ports for the sake of a few that don't work seems like an inefficient solution. It seems there are other ways to approach this problem...

Upgrading ports, rather than uninstalling and reinstalling, can work. It's how I've done it, because when I started out with the first Yosemite beta months ago, half the ports I had installed couldn't build under Yosemite, and I didn't want to uninstall them and be unable to reinstall them. Looking at which ports in "port outdated" mentioned darwin 13 was also a good way for me to remind myself what ports I still needed to work on. Fortunately most of them have been fixed already by now.

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