How install p5-libapreq2 for perl 5.20?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Mon Sep 15 14:28:12 PDT 2014

On Sep 15, 2014, at 8:58 AM, Daniel J. Luke wrote:
>> For the first iteration, I would do nothing special. I would let each subport install those files, which would make the subports conflict with one another. That's not desirable, but better than the current unworkable situation.
>> As a second iteration, I would try removing those files from the p5.*-mod_perl2 subports, and put only those files back into a mod_perl2 port. I assume requires the rest of the perl-version-specific files, so that port would have perl5.* variants which depend on the corresponding p5.*-mod_perl2 port.
> that is version specific (ie, it would be different for each of the sub-ports and so it can't be pulled into one common port). The sub-ports would just have to be marked as conflicting.

I realize the would be specific to the perl version, that's why I suggested the hypothetical mod_perl2 port would have variants for choosing which perl version to use. 

> It would be better if we just supported one perl5 version.

I have no objection to that if someone wants to put in the effort to do it.

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